Wednesday 15 October 2008

Of Rabbits, Wogging and Snoozing

I warned you, didn't I? Don't make me say "I told you so" Because i would easily relish in the joy it would bring me. I was right! Wow, rare!

Anywho. Last Saturday was fun as Death. Nightclubs aren't my thing so i left fairly early but i thoroughly enjoyed wandering the grassy sections of Parkwood dressed as Death, pointing and scaring the people who wandered down the path. I definetly know what i'll be going to halloween as, although it was bleedin' hot under all the gear!!
Last weeks was fairly uneventful. On the Lectures were typical, long, introductory, and unrequired. More than one my friends and I felt our eyes Drooping, especially with Captain Dull of the Microbial World begins his long robotic speech about what OTHER scientists have done within the Microbial world. Before telling us he doesn't have a clue what it is, how it works and the like. We havn't actually learnt a thing!

Friday, ooooh Badminton! Such Fun. I have narrowed down Badminton Players to Three catagories

1. The "Athletes" - These are players who to be as great as the greatest, who never give up and have been playing badminton for three hours of every day for the last umpteen years. These people are very...annoying really.

2. The "Fun Players" - These are Badminton players who play to have fun, to get healthier, to meet people. I respect these people, since they're laidback to not care if they're being beaten or are winning in a match.

And Finally

3. The "Comic Relief Players" - Namely me! I am horrible at Badminton, having not played for three years before coming to Uni. Last friday was VERY memorable since i incorporated modern and classical dances into my play. Ballroom, Salsa etc. You name it, i've made a fool out of myself with it. I also enjoy impersonating tennis players by:
a) Bouncing the shuttle thrice on the floor (and failing)
b) Starting the game with a tennis serve
c) Making a very rediculous "HEEEYAH" each time i hit the shuttle

I had Six hours of lectures on monday...snore! And Six hours yesterday (two hours lectures, one hour seminar and 'three' hours practical) Admittedly my work has many little doodles of Daleks in the corner. It's a very bad habit which i have been cursed with ever since A levels!

Did you know it's still a criminal offence to send a letter upon which the Stamp of the queen is upside down? It still carries a life time imprisonment! Ouch! Almost as bad as the "You can kill a welshman within the city walls with a bow and arrow after midnight"

I am posting this at 6am in which i am covered with sweat, having just ran around the campus. I say "Ran" loosely of course. Jogged about half way and then crawled the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if the first time i jog non-stop i undergo a myoardial Infarction! (Haha! Evidence i have been paying partial attention in my lectures!)

While running i saw the most awesome thing! Two rabbits (or hares, can't tell the difference to be honest) bouncing around each other! It may sound sad but i have never actually seen a rabbit/hare actually bounce! I've seen them hop along the floor but bouncing up to one/two feet off the ground is something completly new to me! Adorable and a curse at the same time, i should have brought a camera!

Fortunitally i only have two lectures today so i can collapse on my bed and roast in the very unusual "Autumn" we're having here in England at the moment. Yes indeed, summer has arrived rather untimely.

Mumble, i still have a piece of pizza in the fridge which needs to be eaten. Catered is so healthy

1 comment:

Linds said...

So you are having fun then! The lectures sound completely "fascinating".....I hope they become more interesting soon!